Featured Podcast with "Kickin' it with Kapok"
In July 2018 we were asked by a local marketing agency if the owner of OPTIK! would come on as a guest speaker. We were thrilled to have this opportunity to share our experience, thoughts and ideas.
Episode 6 topic: "Starting a new Retail Business in St. Pete with Anja Jakupovic"
Kapok Marketing is a local St. Pete agency that specializes in serving small to medium sized businesses in the Tampa Bay area. They are the creators of our OPTIK! website and have helped with marketing ideas and strategies along the way.
Our favorite part of their Podcast is that the topics are real, relatable and mostly very educational. Owners Mirela and Jake always make their podcasts fun and interesting.
If you are a fan of Podcasts and would like to listen to our story:
Listen now on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher or www.KickinItWithKapok.com
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